Nov 11, 2017

version #1

Account 2- Adel

Mehdi Navid

Curly black hair. Black eyes. Kind of swarthy. About the same height as me, but skinnier. He had three interests: Gregory Corso’s poetry, Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy and weed. Those days he used to pass his life with them. He worked at a bank and had a rental not fancy apartment. We talked when we were smoking weed and it was most about his translation of Corso and the things he wrote about Iranian literature in newspapers. I was supposed to find him a publisher for his translations. They never got published.

Adel married a university student who had come from the province to Tehran. He distanced himself from everyone, even from the newspapers. I heard he left Tehran and is working at a private bank in Shiraz. This phone number belongs to one of his bachelor day’s apartments in Tehran.
